Enjoy the Fall in the Treasure Valley


To much of our disbelief, fall is just around the corner here in the beautiful Treasure Valley. With COVID-19 still a very real concern, you may be wondering what can we do to enjoy the fall season? Many events are still cancelled or holding some restrictions, but there are still plenty of things we can enjoy this season with our families. 

We highly encourage you to follow the rules, practice social-distancing guidelines, wear masks, wash hands while out and about.

Pumpkin Patch

The magic of pumpkin patches are still alive! Many are still open and running this fall following strict COVID guidelines. Many places have removed attractions where social distancing and sanitation cannot be kept up on. Being outside makes it easier to stay 6 feet apart, but you will be asked to wear a mask when distancing is not possible. Here are some popular attractions that will be open for the fall season:

Scoot Through Downtown

Over the last couple of years, the rent-able electric scooters have become more and more prominent in the valley, especially downtown. Instead of taking a stroll through the lovely BODO, hop on a scooter and enjoy exploring the streets, shops and restaurants for a nice date night or fun adventure with your kids. 

Virtual Art in the Park

To accommodate and shift with the current state of our health, Art in the Park has taken to digital for this year! Running from September 10-18th you can experience the online shopping and fundraiser from the comfort of your own home. If supporting local businesses and artists is your thing, don’t miss out on this event. Check out the Facebook event for more information. 

Get your Spooks on

Much like the pumpkin patches, many spooky attractions around the valley will be open this season following all guideline for COVID to keep guests safe. Ready to have the spooks scared out of you? Check out these attractions:

Get out there and enjoy and remember, if you run into any plumbing issues this fall, call Master Plumbing. We’ll take care of everything for you so you can get back to enjoying all the Treasure Valley has to offer this summer!

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