How to Clean Your Phone


Keeping things clean is one of the most important reasons we have plumbing and in the age of the novel Corona virus, more important than ever. Without clean water, we wouldn’t be able to wash our hands, bodies, vegetables. Just as important as keeping your hands clean is keeping your phone clean. This article will talk about some why you need to clean your phone and how to clean it with soap and water.

What do you think is the dirtiest you own? Maybe you think your shoes. And, yeah, that probably is the dirtiest possession you own. But the second most dirty thing, and arguably more dangerous thing, is in your pocket right now. No, it’s not your wallet, or keys. Check your other pocket. The nastiest item you have is your phone.

Why is your phone so dirty?

Basically, when you are at work and when you are shopping you touch stuff. Then after you touch stuff, you touch your phone. Germs and microbes go from your hands to your phone. You might wash your hands for the CDC’s recommended 20 seconds. Then after you wash your hands, you check Facebook on your phone. Then you play some music on your phone. Then you check a recipe on your phone. Remember those germs and microbes from before, they get back on your hands. So now that you have checked a recipe, you cook some food. You wash your hands again, but before you eat, you decide to take a picture of your culinary masterpiece. Again microbes on your hands. Think of all the things your hands touched have touched since touching your phone: silverware, sink, door knob, refrigerator, plates, keyboard, chairs, family members, your nose, your mouth, your eyes. The point is the list of things you are likely to inadvertently touch is long and you are at risk getting germs from your phone on yourself.

What can you do?

Wash your phone and wash your hands.

Is soap and water that good?

While you can use alcohol on your devices, soap and water are surprisingly powerful against germs. Soap causes slippery surfaces. Germs have trouble hanging onto slippery surfaces. So, fewer germs stay on your phone when you use soap. Soap dissolves the protective layer around some germs. When that protective layer breaks down, it makes the microbes vulnerable.

How to wash your phone

*Do not rinse your phone directly under water.

  1. Get your phone out
  2. Take your phone out of its case
  3. Dampen a piece of paper towel with water
  4. Add some dish soap to the paper towel 
  5. Wipe the screen side of your phone with the wet paper towel
  6. Wipe the back side of your phone with the wet paper towel
  7. Dampen another paper towel and wipe both sides with the new paper towel
  8. Dry your phone off with a towel
  9. Put your case back on


  • *Do not rinse your phone directly under water!
  • Take your phone case off
  • Don’t be rough with your phone

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