Washing Your Hands Is One Of The Best Ways To Deal With The Corona Virus


Touchless kitchen faucets are convenient and  provide health benefits.  Right now, people are concerned about the Corona Virus.  The virus has been detected in “90 locations internationally, including in the United States”.  The virus is spread from person to person through contact and cough. The elderly are at a higher risk from infection.  Here is some good news, though, the flu has caused more health issues than the Corona and for most people the Corona virus will be like getting the flu.  Still, you want to avoid getting it if possible.

What you can do

The best way (at present) for people to deal with the Corona virus is a basic, cheap, simple good old fashion public health prevention measure: washing your hands.  Two of the recommendations from the CDC are “to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects” and “Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.”  Preventing the virus from getting into you from your hands, will reduce your risk of getting the virus.


But washing your hands is inconvenient.  You need to touch the dirty handles of your faucet.  You never have the right temperature.  And how long is 20 seconds really?  The touchless kitchen faucet can help you prevent Coronavirus in your house

How Can A Touchless Faucet Help?

Touch faucets will turn on when they sense your hands are in position beneath the spout.  It’s so convenient to not have to twist sink handles.   Additionally,  as stated earlier, the CDC recommends using soap and water for twenty seconds to wash your hands.   Some faucets have 20-second timers built into them, so you know you have washed your hands long enough.

The touchless faucet is more hygienic.   Have you ever noticed you wash your hands, more than you wash the handles on your sink.   With a touchless sink, you reduce the amount of viruses and bacteria, which you come in contact with by not touching the sink.  All you do is get soap on your hands and put them under the sink and rinse till the sink turns off.  It’s so simple.

Additional Uses

For instance, this can be especially helpful  when both your hands are occupied and you want to fill a large pot.  For people with mobility issues, like some elderly,  twisting the handles of the sink can be problematic.  With the touchless faucet, all they have to do is put their hands underneath the spout.  This is important because the elderly are most at risk with the Coronavirus.

There has never been a better time to get a touchless sink.  The technology is mature.  The convenience factor cannot be understated.   Lastly, it will make washing your hands less of a chore.  That will translate into less risk for you and your family and better hygiene.  

Source: https://healthykitchen101.com/best-touchless-kitchen-faucets/

Note: If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should seek medical attention. Check out the CDC’s list of symptoms

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